North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Parent Information: Pastoral and Emotional Literacy Support
Locality Community Support Service - LCSS
Coffee Morning Workshops Service Families
Young Carers Drawing and Talking Therapy Intervention
Supporting Children's Mental Health 5 Ways to Wellbeing

Mrs Mason is the Pastoral Lead at North Leigh Primary school. You can contact her about accessing pastoral support via the school office or email her directly

The aims of pastoral support at North Leigh CE Primary School:
  • To provide support that meets the differing needs of all children to ensure they are equipped with coping skills for when life gets tricky

  • To support children to address physical, social, emotional and mental health and well-being needs

  • To maintain an atmosphere in which children feel secure; are encouraged in their learning, growth and social development and know that they are valued

  • To work with a range of stakeholders including parents, support staff, outside agencies and other schools to ensure the continuity and progress of individual pupils

  • To support children to successfully follow our school rules.
North Leigh C of E Primary School

Supporting Children's Mental Health and Well-Being
NHS Every Mind Matters - looking after mental health
BBC bitesize- wellbeing tips for parents to help support a healthy, happy childhood - advice on food, sleep, mindfulness as well as ways to look after you and your child's mental health
NHS Anxiety in Children
NHS Talking to your child about feelings
NHS Mental Health for children and teenagers
NHS Depression in children and young people
Young Minds: A - Z mental health guide for parents
Young Minds: Getting Support from Mental Health Services
Young Minds: How to talk to your child about mental health
NHS Children and bereavement

Parent helplines:
Young Minds offer a parents' free helpline for advice about any aspect of children and young people's mental health:
0808 8025544 Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4.00pm
or visit the website Young Minds for further support and information

NSPCC Helpline 7 days a week for concerns about a child's safety or well-being (including mental health):
email, or call 0808 800 5000 or visit the website NSPCC Helpline for more information

If urgent help is required for mental health: call 111

Mental Health Support Team (MHST) 
We have an Educational Mental Health Practitioner who supports us in school half a day each week. She can work with children from Year 6 on a one to one basis or their parents (if they are younger than this). Support can be for anything that affects mental health and well-being: anxiety, low mood, low self-esteem, poor resilience, poor coping strategies etc. If you think this is something you may be interested in, please speak to Mrs Mason or email her at
Mental Health Support Team Information for parents

North Leigh C of E Primary School
5 Ways to Wellbeing
At North Leigh, we encourage children to adopt the 5 ways to wellbeing to help maintain good mental wellbeing. You can find more information here.
North Leigh C of E Primary School

Back to School
BBC Bitesize : Five ways to help your child settle back into the school routine
An activity pack to support your child moving from Primary to Secondary school

Locality Community Support Service - LCSS
Early Help in Oxfordshire is one of the services school can contact to help families in our community access help when they are in need of a little extra support. A helpful guide to outline the Early Help process can be found here. Should you wish to access support from this service, please contact school in the first instance.

Please find below an introduction from our LCSS Link Worker:
Hello everyone,

North Leigh C of E Primary School My name is Amy and I work for the Locality Community Support Service (LCSS) and will be the link worker for North Leigh CE Primary School. As your school's link worker I will be able to offer support and guidance to school staff, refer and signpost to external agencies and attend Team Around the Family meetings. The aim of our service is to ensure families and professionals have their support needs met by those agencies within the community. There will be opportunities arranged for me to meet with you in person where I am happy to answer any questions you may have; I have worked with families for many years and I want to do everything I can to ensure positive outcomes for everyone.

I look forward to meeting you all soon.


Coffee Morning Workshops
Thank to all of those who attended our first coffee morning. Below are the PowerPoint slides that were presented by Mrs Hague to outline how Zones of Regulation are used here in school.

We were joined by Mitch from 'Cups of Calm and More'. Mitch provided some free emotional regulation tools that are included in the pack and demonstrated her wonderful products. Please do get in contact with her via the website if you are interested in purchasing any of the resources.

Amy Beesely also attended. Amy wanted to introduce herself in order to to put a face to her name. Further information about the support we can access from Amy is detailed above in the 'Locality Community Support Service' section

ZoR Coffee Morning 22nd November 2023

Service Families

The lives of Service Children may be more demanding than those of their civilian peers. Deployment of a parent, house and school moves that can come with a military career can be de-stabilising for all of the family. We recognise that regular moves can make it difficult to settle in school, to make new friends, and to have access to a consistent curriculum. We provide tailored pastoral support to any Service Children who seek it.

Our Service Children have been working towards this event since January. Our aim was raising the profile of our Service Families within our school community. They have planned, advertised, delivered an assembly, sold out an art and bake sale, raised over £400 for Little Troopers and finally, four of our service children were lucky enough to attend the Oxfordshire wide Festival of Friends event. This was held at Oxford Brookes where the children took part in a juggling workshop, a tour of the campus and had the chance to look around the exhibitions and displays from the 18 other schools that also attended. They came away with lots of ideas for what we can do for our project next year!
A huge well done to all of our Service Children, they have displayed our value of Community in abundance. They should all be very proud of themselves!

Useful links:
Little Troopers at Home
RAF Families Federation
RAF Brize Norton Facilities

Young Carers
We understand that some children may have a caring role within their home. This will bring them extra responsibilities and put pressure on them, which in turn could affect their learning. They may need to have extra support to help them get the most out of their school day so that they can more happily access their learning and with more confidence.

We understand that a child could be caring for a parent, grandparent or sibling who has a disability, mental or physical illness or is affected by substance misuse. We aim to support our Young Carers by providing them with group sessions that are fun, support them emotionally and enable them to share information and experiences with other Young Carers in school.

Young Carers at School

Useful links:
Be Free YC A charity for Young Carers in Oxfordshire

Drawing and Talking Therapy Intervention
Two of our Teaching Assistants have recently received training to deliver Drawing and Talking: a one on one intervention that takes place weekly for 30 minutes and lasts for 12 weeks. Drawing and Talking is a safe and gentle therapeutic intervention for children and young people that need an alternative to talk-based therapy, providing them with a creative way to express their thoughts and feelings, process emotions and improve emotional resilience.

For more information please see the Drawing and Talking Factsheet for parents and carers. Parental consent is required for children to receive the Drawing and Talking intervention. Should you wish your child to access support from this intervention in the future, please email Mrs Mason

Drawing and Talking Factsheet for Parents and Carers

North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road
North Leigh
OX29 6SS
01993 881525