North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Global Learning
At North Leigh, we are global citizens and to show this, we have made Christmas shoeboxes to send to children in Eastern Europe through the charity Teams4U.
North Leigh C of E Primary School

The School Parliament helped box up books and stationery resources donated by NL families to send to Emmanuel School. Local friends are visiting the school in the next few weeks and we wanted to take the opportunity to take the children at our partner school a small gift from us.
North Leigh C of E Primary School

As we celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight again this year, the House Captains prepared and delivered a series of age-appropriate presentations across school to help the children learn about how our choices can impact people around the world, as well as the planet we live on. This year's theme "Changing the World through Choice" highlights the harmful effect of the climate crisis on the future of all our food, making an important link between trade justice and climate justice. We saw lots of photographs and images alongside stories about the lives of farmers and their families and learned about how Fairtrade is supporting a more sustainable future for our favourite foods.
North Leigh C of E Primary School

The Archbishop of York Young Leaders' Award
A large group of Year 5s have embarked on a very exciting after school club with Margaret and Mrs Mason exploring what it means to be a Young Leader in our world today.
Week 8
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Week 7
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Week 6
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Week 5
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Week 4
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Week 3
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Week 2
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Week 1
North Leigh C of E Primary School

Promoting Global Learning at North Leigh CE Primary School.

As a school we aim to offer a curriculum that enables our children to grow and mature into individuals who love life and learning and recognise their place and responsibilities within a global society. We believe that our curriculum should include exciting and challenging global learning opportunities to help develop our children's understanding of themes such as: identity and belonging; sustainable living; fairness and equality; rights and responsibilities; and conflict resolution. In this way we hope our children at North Leigh will develop a sense of their own nationality and culture, while at the same time developing a profound respect for the nationalities and cultures of others. We believe that Global Learning is important for our children to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to confidently face the world of tomorrow.

Each class plans opportunities within topics to allow for elements of global learning. As a whole school, our vision and values reflect our belief that children are global neighbours and our worship programme and PSHCE curriculum provide further opportunities for children to view themselves as global citizens with a care and concern for others internationally.

We have developed a partnership with Emmanuel School in South Africa and enjoyed hosting a teacher from that school and took part in a reciprocal visit where a teacher from North Leigh spent a week working in South Africa with staff and children from Emmanuel School. Our success in ensuring our children have effective opportunities to learn about their place in our global community has meant we have recently been awarded a British Council International School Award for outstanding development of the international dimension in the curriculum and Christian Aid's Global Neighbour Award (Bronze Level). We hope to continue to build on the school's strengths in this area.

Children from every year group, generously contributed towards this year's Christmas Shoebox Appeal. We had a phenomenal number of thoughtfully filled boxes that will be delivered from Witney Methodist Church to children this Christmas from some of the poorer communities of Eastern Europe.
North Leigh C of E Primary School
This week we have written some letters and drawn pictures to send to our partner school in South Africa. We really enjoyed sharing about ourselves with the children from Emmanuel School and we remembered how much fun it was when Ms Peters visited our school.
North Leigh C of E Primary School

A Helping Harvest

Being global neighbours by supporting our local Foodbank with generously donated food items from our school family. North Leigh C of E Primary School

North Leigh C of E Primary School
'Send my Friend to School' Campaign
North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School
Global Neighbour Assessment final report
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road
North Leigh
OX29 6SS
01993 881525