At North Leigh Primary, we believe our children deserve a curriculum that nurtures and challenges everyone, in order that they realise their full potential and live full and meaningful lives. We want each and every one of them to move onto secondary education with the widest range of opportunities open to them, by ensuring we provide a rich and diverse experience through their journey with us.
All children are given a range of opportunities to nurture and explore their spiritual beings, through reflection time, collective worship, outdoor education, living and learning through values and exploring some of the “big” questions of life. Our curriculum provides ambitious learning, strengthening skills of resilience and independence, preparing for and overcoming challenge, whilst developing key skills and understanding across all subject areas. At North Leigh, we are also committed to ensuring our curriculum promotes health and well-being in all its fullness and this includes providing regular and varied physical activity, developing emotional resilience, trying new sports, enjoying outdoor learning, supporting positive mental health, feeling nurtured and embracing learning for leisure. As global neighbours seeking to make a positive difference, our curriculum encourages community action, raises environmental awareness, develops leadership skills, embraces courageous advocacy and celebrates diversity. Our school vision: “Valuing Everyone – in our school, in our community, in our world” captures our belief that all children need to feel valued as individuals, instilling a desire and motivation to value and celebrate others. Our values: Respect, Love, Perseverance and Flourishing Community underpin this vision, providing a safe environment from which children are both nurtured and challenged to grow in confidence, independence, co-operation and self-esteem. The National Curriculum objectives and programmes of study are at the core of everything we teach. The children develop their knowledge and skills in each subject through an interesting variety of cross-curricular topics. Each subject is carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression from Reception to Year 6; developing depth of knowledge and understanding together with opportunities for meaningful repetition and consolidation which enables children to know and remember more. We recognize children’s prior learning and encourage them to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. Children are supported to achieve their potential and progress with confidence to the next phase of their education. To support high quality teaching and learning, we utilize some published curriculum materials: Maths (White Rose) Early Reading and Phonics (Little Wandle Letters and Sounds) Spelling (Rising Stars) Charanga (Music) Real PE (PE) Language Angels (French) Jigsaw PSHE (PSHE and RSE) Understanding Christianity, Discovery RE and ODBE RE (RE) Art (Kapow Primary) Design and Technology (Kapow Primary) The impact of our curriculum is evidenced through the children, their enthusiasm in lessons, their motivation to understand more, their engagement with their work, what they say about what they know using subject specific vocabulary and the learning they achieve.
Meet the Teacher presentations:
Y6 Ash ClassY5 Oak Class Y4 Willow Class Y3 Rowan Class Y2 Hazel Class Y1 Maple Class FS Holly Class 'A broad and balanced curriculum' presentation |
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road North Leigh Witney OX29 6SS 01993 881525 email |