North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Parent Information: Assessment at North Leigh

Assessment at North Leigh
As you may be aware, the Department for Education (DfE) no longer measures pupil attainment and progress in Levels. Instead, schools now 'have the freedom to develop their own means of assessing pupils' progress towards end of key stage expectations'.

At North Leigh we believe that effective assessment:
  • Includes a range of measures including: continuous teacher assessment of children's everyday class work and children's performance in progress tests
  • Helps children progress by giving them regular feedback
  • Ensures effective teaching by highlighting specific needs of individual children
  • Allows teachers to swiftly recognise when children may need extra support in order to maintain progress
  • Gives parents and carers an accurate sense of their child's achievement and progress as well as areas where they can support development
  • Allow school to monitor progress and attainment to make sure we are helping children to achieve their potential.
Tracking Attainment and Progress
Along with other ODST schools, we have chosen to use a commercial tracking tool – Target Tracker, to support us in tracking children's attainment and progress against the new curriculum. This system allows class teachers to record continuous ongoing assessments of children against the objectives of the new national curriculum and supports them in deciding if children are on track to meet expected attainment at the end of the year.

Target Tracker measures children within a band (these range from 1 to 6 and loosely relate to the primary years) and the steps they make within the band; beginning (b), beginning + (b+), working within (w), working within + (w+), secure (s), secure + (s+).

The expected attainment range at the end of the school year is for children to be at w+ or s within the band that corresponds to their year group. For example a child in year 2 is expected to reach 2w+ or 2s by the end of the school year while a child in year 4 should be at 4w+ or 4s.

We obviously expect children to make good progress across the year - which we judge to be 6 'steps' e.g. if a year 3 child starts the year on 2w+, we expect them to reach at least 3w+ by the end of the year - meaning they have made 6 steps (2s 2s+ 3b 3b+ 3w 3w+).

National Assessment Arrangements
As well as our own assessment of children's attainment and progress, we are also required to administer and report on assessments required by the DfE. These are as follows;

Age Year Key Stage Assessment
4 to 5 Reception EYFS Baseline Assessment - carried out by class teacher within the first 6 weeks of school.
EYFS Profile - Teacher Assessment carried out in June measuring children's performance against Characteristics of Effective Learning and all Curriculum Areas.
5 to 6 Year 1 KS1 Phonics Screening Check - administered by teachers in June.
6 to 7 Year 2 KS1 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in Reading and Maths administered by teachers in May - these inform Teacher Assessed judgements, which are also made in Writing and Science.
10 to 11 Year 6 KS2 Statutory Assessment Teast (SATs) in SPaG, Reading and Maths adminstered nationally during one week in May and Teacher Assessed judgments in Writing and Science.

North Leigh C of E Primary School

SATs Assessment

Information for Parents on KS1 and KS2 SATs results

2019 national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 1
2019 national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 2

SATs Assessment

Key stage 1 and 2 national curriculum tests: information for parents (videos)

Information for parents: 2019 national curriculum tests at the end of key stages 1 and 2

Please see here for notes from the parent meeting earlier this year on KS1 SATs

North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road
North Leigh
OX29 6SS
01993 881525