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School Uniform Children at North Leigh Primary School wear their uniform with a great sense of pride. We have a smart but simple uniform that we encourage all pupils to wear. There is no obligation for children to wear uniform with the embroidered school logo from the online store below. All items of uniform can be purchased from local supermarket chains. We also have a school uniform recycling system, regularly available at the front of school. Please help yourself to any items of donated uniform (free). All items of uniform should be clearly named please. In line with Health and Safety recommendations, we do not allow children to wear jewellry during PE (including ear-rings). Only stud ear-rings and watches may be worn at other times. If wearing jewellry is a necessary obedience to a religious belief, please see the Headteacher. No make-up or nail polish is allowed. Hair should be natural colour. Long hair should be tied back at all times. School Uniform Leaflet, Price List and Dress Code Our uniform consists of sensible black shoes, white or red polo shirt, red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan and grey trousers, skirt, or pinafore. North Leigh book bags and PE bags, warm fleeces and rain jackets are also available. You can purchase school uniform and PE online at: My Clothing In summer children may opt to wear grey tailored shorts or a red checked school dress and black, red or white closed sandals may be worn. PE Kit:
PE Days Term 3 2024-2025 Holly - Wednesday and Friday Maple - Thursday and Friday Hazel - Wednesday and Friday Rowan - Monday and Thursday Willow - Tuesday and Thursday Oak - Monday and Wednesday (swimming) Ash - Monday (zumba), Tuesday, Thursday Swimming (KS2) Local pool regulations require all children to wear a swimming hat during their swimming lessons. These may be purchased from the school office. Appropriate swimming costumes should be worn so it is easier to swim - for example knee-length baggy shorts and bikinis are not suitable. Please ensure that all uniform and clothing items are labelled.
This makes it much easier to reunite children and lost items. Pre Used North Leigh School Uniform Our Ecoforce team have sorted pre used uniform and this is available to all each day on the playground after school. Please do have a look on the rails; there are summer dresses in many sizes, trousers, shorts and logo items of uniform |
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road North Leigh Witney OX29 6SS 01993 881525 email |