North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Governors: Who We Are

Governors' welcome
Governors have an important part to play in the running of the school through supporting our Headteacher and staff. Our prime aims are to raise standards in pupil achievement and create a happy environment that is conducive to learning. To this end, we fully support the school's strong priority to provide a well rounded education for our young people, enabling them to value the rich diversity of life within their immediate surroundings and out in the wider community. We have high expectations for all our pupils and will continue to challenge them to fulfil their potential in line with our vision and values.

Governors take an active interest in all aspects of the school and together with the Headteacher continually look for ways to build on the school's successes. This leadership team provides managerial and financial stability with a clear sense of direction to take the school forward.

Children who leave North Leigh School take with them a sense of self-worth and high levels of achievement. The children know that they are respected as individuals and respect others equally and can continue their education well supported by our core Christian values of love, respect, perseverance and community.

Sophie Warner
Chair of Governors

Governors Details and Responsibilities January 2025

Sophie Warner
I am a Community Governor and really enjoy my involvement with the school in my capacity as Chair of Governors. I am the Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding and Equalities.
There is always something new to learn and a surprise round every corner. It is a privilege to work with such dedicated and skilled staff. Whenever I have a chance to spend time in school I see new exciting projects or displays or just children proudly showing me what they are learning – it is always a pleasure to be there.

Sarah Asque
Hello, my name is Sarah Asque and my daughter attends North Leigh Primary School. I have recently been appointed as a Parent Governor and I am part of the School Improvement Committee. I have many years of experience in primary education, as well as leadership responsibility for maths. As a teacher, I feel passionate about having high aspirations for all children. I am keen to use my experience to support the school in their vision of ‘Valuing everyone, in our school, in our community, in our world’ and in doing so encourage the children to have confidence in themselves, to be excited about their learning and to strive to achieve their very best.

Ben McPherson
Hello, I'm Ben McPherson and I am in the fortunate position of being the Headteacher of North Leigh Primary School. It is a truly brilliant school. I have worked in education for 20 years now and I have worked across Oxfordshire in city and village schools. My passions in education are English, PE and Maths, as well as making children feel excited, curious and invested in learning. Enabling children to become the best versions of themselves gets me out of bed every morning and I cannot wait to see what each day holds when working with our fabulous young people. When I'm not in school, I enjoy a range of sport. I coach rugby and cricket, as well as a recent convert to golf. If that doesn't keep me busy, I have two young children with whom I am constantly busied!

Carol Crow
I have lived locally for over 30 years, during which time my three children attended North Leigh Primary School and I was an active member of the PTA. I am delighted to have been appointed a Community Governor and am looking forward to being involved with the school again. I have recently retired but worked in an educational environment for over 25 years and hope to be able to support the Governing Body by drawing on my experience and understanding of the broad range of responsibilities and challenges in running an effective school, as well as the importance of creating an environment in which children are safe and enjoy learning.

Rashi Gandhi Dawson
Hello, my name is Rashi and I was recently appointed as a school Governor and am a member of the School Improvement Committee. I still have one child at the school whilst my eldest has now moved on to secondary school. I believe that my professional background, together with my strong commitment to the school, will enable me to make a positive contribution and add to the success of the school.

Rev Margaret Dixon
I'm Margaret Dixon, the Vicar of St Mary's Church, North Leigh. Before training as a priest, I worked in education as a Youth and Community Worker, initially in Calderdale and then with Bucks County Council, then in a Church of England primary school involved in ICT, library and supporting pupils. I serve on the School Improvement Committee, admissions alongside a role as Community Link Worker at the school. I lead a weekly Collective Worship, the Young Leaders’ Award and many other aspects to support the children and staff at North Leigh. My hobbies include photography, archaeology, cycling and walking my dogs, Rylie and Luna.

Catherine Hill
Hello, I’m Catherine Hill. I am a newly appointed Teacher Governor beginning this role in September 2022. I am also a member of the School Improvement Committee. This is my 20th year in Primary Education and I have enjoyed working at North Leigh Primary School since 2011. I began working here in KS1, but I have found my natural home to be in the Reception Class where I enjoy the varied days, in the moment learning and enthusiasm of teaching four year olds. No day is ever the same in Holly Class! As the EYFS lead and I work closely with the Pre-School to ensure the smooth transition of pupils starting school and nurturing their development as learners during their first year. I also lead Outdoor Learning where I am able to support staff to make the most of our wonderful school grounds and woodland. I hope, to support our Head Teacher, to help ensure that that our school continues to provide our children with an environment to thrive and with a love of learning which will see them achieve their potential.

Lucy Hill
Hello my name is Lucy Hill and I have recently become a parent governor. As a parent with 2 children at the school I am keen to ensure that all pupils are able to reach their full potential and are safe, happy and well supported within the school. The skills that I have gained through my professional career will enable me to support and work with the governors, staff and school so that it can continue to thrive, improve and offer a rich educational environment to our children.

Nick Morrison
'I am a Community Govenor serving on the Finance Commitee and with responsibilities for Health & Safety. I have previously been Chair and Treasurer for the School PTA. I have two children attending the school. I want to help the school to thrive and succeed for now and the future.

Fiona Watts
Hello, I'm Fiona Watts and I am a Foundation Governor appointed by The Diocese of Oxford and my appointment is for 4 years.
I serve on the School Improvement Committee and I am also the Governor with responsibility for SEND.
I volunteer in school most Wednesdays, helping out where needed. I find it really rewarding and I love that it gives me the opportunity to see first-hand what a wonderfully enthusiastic, respectful and caring community we have within our school.

Victoria Williams
I'm Vicky, I am a newly appointed Governor as of December 2023 and I have a background in HR and Compliance. I hope my expertise in these areas will help ensure our school continues to thrive and I look forward to working with everyone to support our students and make a positive impact within our community.

Governors: What We Do

The Governing Body is a group of people who work together to support the headteacher in developing the school. North Leigh has Foundation, Parent and Community Governors and can also co-opt Governors if seeking a particular skill. Governors are involved in areas such as setting the budget, recruiting staff, ensuring maintenance of the buildings and grounds, and assisting the headteacher in monitoring the quality of educational provision offered to the children. The strategic direction of the school is shaped by the Governors.

Governors are specifically trained in data assessment, schools finance, safeguarding, Prevent training, performance management, safer recruitment and admissions management. All Governors also receive induction training.

The Full Governing Body meets at least four times a year and there are regular sub-committee meetings. Every governor serves on one of the two main sub-committees: School Improvement and Finance & Resources. Other committees (e.g. Pay & Performance, Admissions) are held when needed.

Register of Pecuniary Interest 2024-2025

Governor Attendance Record 2023 - 2024
Governor Attendance Record 2022 - 2023
Governor Attendance Record 2021 - 2022
Governor Attendance Record 2020 - 2021
Governor Attendance Record 2019 - 2020
Governor Attendance Record 2018 - 2019
Governor Attendance Record 2017 - 2018
Governor Attendance Record 2016 - 2017
Governor Attendance Record 2015 - 2016

North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road
North Leigh
OX29 6SS
01993 881525