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FS Holly Mrs Hill
Y1 Maple Mrs Prior
Y2 Hazel Mrs Day
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Y4 Willow Miss Goater
Y5 Oak Mrs Cleal & Miss Cuthbertson
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Gallery 2024-2025
Back to school in Hazel class
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RE Day 6
Ultra Olympics
Olympic Week
African Animal Puppets
Gardens and Butterflies
Mrs Dawson's Cooking Club
Hazel Class
Hazel Class Sports Day
Hazel Café Assembly: Summer Term
At The Pond
PTA Disco
Science - Plants
Art Summer Term
Geography Map Makers
Beanstalk story sharing
RE Summer 1: Islam
RE Spring 2: Easter
Making Pizzas
Food Tasting
Café Assembly
Science - Do we all grow the same?
Seaside Hands on History Workshop
Our First Few Weeks in Hazel
Hazel Class 2023-2024
Sports Day
Sewing and puppet making
Drumming Workshop
Our Amazing Trip to Castle Unlocked
Hazel Class café assembly
World Book Day in Hazel Class
Book Swap with Ash Class
World Book Day
Living things and their habitats
'Dragon Eyes'
Spring 2 Improvement Challenge
NSPCC Number Day
History: The Battle of Stamford Bridge
Art: making marks in clay
Computing: Programming
Spring 1 Improvement Challenge
Making fairy potions ...
Investigating materials
Investigating germs
Science: the effects of exercise
Book Sharing: Ash and Hazel Classes
The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch
Autumn RE
History Seaside Work Shop
Making a Healthy Wrap
Holly Class, Maple Class and Hazel Class: Books and Brew
Hazel Class 2022-2023
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road
North Leigh
OX29 6SS
01993 881525