North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
North Leigh C of E Primary School
Rowan Class - Year 3

Rock Investigations
We have been learning that all rocks are used differently depending on their properties, we setup a range of investigations to test this. We tested their scratch resistance, acid resistance, permeability and durability to decide which rocks would be best for a statue, kitchen worktop, skateboard ramp and a roof. Our favourite part was testing the acid resistance with vinegar, we had to check for bubbles around the rocks!
North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School North Leigh C of E Primary School

North Leigh C of E Primary School
Park Road
North Leigh
OX29 6SS
01993 881525